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Conditions to be met during storage and transportation of soda ash

We know that dry soda is not corrosive, but it belongs to strong alkali and weak acid salt, which will cause certain corrosion damage to skin, silk and wool fabrics and fibers when dissolved in water. Therefore, the following conditions must be met during storage and transportation:

1. Be sure to keep dry during storage and transportation, and decide not to get wet.

2. The internal and external packaging of soda ash must be free from damage and pollution.

3. Try not to open windows during storage to reduce air mobility.

4. Soda ash shall not be stored and transported together with acid, ammonium, toxic substances, etc.

5. Protective clothing should be worn during handling to avoid skin injury caused by sweat and soda ash contact.

The above contents are the five conditions that need to be met for the storage and transportation of soda ash. We hope relevant personnel pay attention to them!