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Market price trend of desulfurized baking soda in 2020


In recent years, due to the increasing PM2.5 content in the atmosphere and the increasingly serious environmental pressure and comprehensive social pressure of air pollution, the national environmental protection authorities have to improve the emission indexes of flue gas, waste water and solid waste for many times. Due to the people's high voice for breathing clean air, the environmental protection indicators, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter emission indicators in industrial flue gas, are required to be strictly controlled. As the main product of desulfurization and denitration, sodium bicarbonate for desulfurization is also rising along with the price and market.

Nowadays, the dry adsorption process using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as adsorbent has become an effective means of flue gas purification, which is used to remove various pollutants contained in flue gas. Its purification effect can be compared with other known ways, such as the spray adsorption method using lime milk as adsorbent. Dry flue gas purification can not only be used in coal power plants, garbage or alternative fuel incineration plants, but also widely used in industrial furnaces in glass, cement, metallurgy and other industries. Dry flue gas purification can reach the emission standard economically (for example, GB 13223 in China).

The main principle is that sodium group in baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) has strong reaction ability with SO4 in flue gas, and Na2SO4 (sodium sulfate) generated by reaction is also well soluble in water, so the desulfurization system and absorption system used by the manufacturer can operate well in water solution, and can absorb other acid gas at the same time, because the system is simple to react Good, small land occupation and low cost, so it is widely used in industrial flue gas purification.

In view of the increasing environmental protection in the later stage, the enterprises that produce industrial flue gas can only choose the latter between the shutdown and the purification and emission of environmental protection. Therefore, in the next few years, there is still a certain market space for desulfurized baking soda, and the industry profit is also objective, so the market price trend of desulfurized soda in 2019 is still predictable.
